Project Overview
This body of work examines the roles we cast on others so that they are a “type of person” a “type of character”. These words were 3D printed with a projected video casting typographic shadows over the imagery.
“The something you think they think is really nothing” While at an artist residency a few years ago one of the presentation speakers had mentioned something along the lines of “no one is really thinking about you”. The whole room kind of gasped and then she clarified how what she meant was that it’s really about you putting yourself out there enough so that you find opportunities rather than imagining all these opportunities finding you. This thought kind of stayed with me, but instead of opportunity I thought of all the anxiety you could get rid of if you just realized no one really cares, no one is thinking about you. I go back and forth with this thought, but that’s the essence of what I’m thinking with this one. Depending on your perspective you can easily read this sentiment as positive or negative.