Project Overview

Peek-A-Peep is an installation piece that encompasses two wall structures with several peep holes placed at varying heights. The paintings, placed in the wall structure, were created with gouache paint on paper and feature flat areas of color, simplification of forms and figures, a bold and vibrant color palette, and a playfulness with perspective. The peep holes and illustrations were paired based on height placement of the wall and its most likely potential audience.  

Each wall is a little over six feet tall and eight feet long and placed on opposite sides to create an immersive hall space at the entrance of the gallery. The installation functions as a bit of a surprise to most viewers who don’t realize upon entering the gallery that they are in fact standing in an installation. For most, who don’t notice the holes, it isn’t until they see the words, “For a good time look here” on the left wall that they understand the intent. This moment of discovery washes over them and they take delight in becoming the peeping Tom. What they find when they look in each hole is a moment captured from the eyes of a voyeur. The installation quickly introduces the audience to the theme of the exhibition: voyeurism.

This work was recognized by American Illustration 38, work was selected from over 7,000 submitted. (one of only 413 illustration winners). Work selected to appear permanently on The ARCHIVE – AI-AP’s exclusive online juried collection. Juried by Chris Brand, Crown Publishing; Hannah K Lee, The New York Times; Janet Michaud, Politico; Dennis Huynh, Buzzfeed; Maria G. Keehan, Smithsonian; Aaron Rinas, Art + Mechanical; and Marianne Seregi, National Geographic


Type Cast


Woman With Words