Para Ella

Solo Exhibition
Carla Hughes Art Gallery

What keeps a person permanent in our minds? This work explores the relationship that exists between memory and our belongings. In the work, Para Ella, objects share equal weight in capturing the essence of a character. In showcasing the power our belongings manifest in expressing who we truly are, the audience experiences an intimacy immersed in memories of my abuela, it’s as if we get to know her through her things.

This is Always

Color is used to enhance the narrative, to do more than create visual delight, but implemented to instill itself into the minds of the audience establishing a certain mood for each painting. The intensity of certain colors paired with the overwhelming use of just one or a few colors creates a memorable visual link to the work. The color palette used subverts the viewer’s idea of emotion; centering on themes such as loneliness, solitude, and more specifically loss and showcasing these emotions in the bright powerful hues in which we feel them. The work intends for the audience to feel as if though they are walking into a picture, of being in the story, of knowing all there is to know about the character.

With Memories that Never Die

This isn’t Sometimes

Mangos y Luz Clarita

Para Ella



Give Your Social Universe a Shape

